Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Poll: Obama down but not out

The article I read was about how Obama's approval rating is at an all time low, and yet he is still leading all of the possible republican presidential candidates for 2012 by at least 7 points. The same poll also reveals that nearly 75% of Americans like Obama personally, and that he has an approval rating of 74% in family values, 68% in easy going, 51% in exciting and inspirational, and 49% in leadership qualities. The article also states that 65% of Americans think that our current economic issues are inherited from Bush and 21% believe that it is Obama's fault.
If you would like to read more, here is the link:

People seriously need to get a grip. 21% of Americans think that Obama is the primary source of our economic issues? Where have they been for the last decade? What are they smoking? How can they possibly think that? It's absolutely ridiculous to blame him for all of our problems. Look people, Obama is trying. Hard. You look at a good majority of the politicians in Washington, they won't compromise. At least our president is smart enough to try and work with the other party. I suggest any republicans discontinue reading at this point. It seems like Republicans expected Obama to fix things immediately, to swoop in on a flying horse, wave a wand, and POOF! Our economy is fixed. Get a clue Reps, pull your head out of your behind, and knock of the BS. If you look at our economy and why it is what it is, it's because of Bush (ahem, Republican), he took our economy, and drove it to the ground. How can you expect for one man to fix such a huge mess, even in eight years? Especially when all the non-democrats are saying things like "it's been six months, why aren't we fixed?" or "no thanks, you can keep your change," and neither side wants to compromise. Obama came into a screwed up economy, and it's going to take more than just him to fix it, I support him fully, but I'm saying that we need to work as a team, otherwise this country is nothing. No matter how hard he works, Obama cannot fix it all, it may take decades to undo what Bush (ahem, Republican), did, and it will take even longer if we can't work together. Lower your expectations of Obama, he's giving it his best, and raise your expectations of the average American to do their part in reviving our great country.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor marked, but by fewer survivors

The article I read was about Pearl Harbor, and how survivors of the attack are dwindling in numbers. The article also shares some facts and statistics of the attack, along with briefly describing what happened. One of the main focuses of the story was the USS Arizona, that sank with 1,177 of its 1,400 members still aboard. The deaths of the Americans on the USS Arizona were nearly half of the total deaths, which totaled 2,390.
If you would like to read more of this article, here is the link:

This article really speaks to me because I have always found it vey important to honor our veterans, especially because my grandfather and my great grandfather both fought in a war. This article speaks all about honoring the people who were fighting for our freedom, and to me those people cannot be thanked enough, not now, not ever. In that one day, 2,390 men died, that's as if we took 1 out of every 5 people in our town, Alexandria, and killed them, can you imagine what that would be like? Let's not forget that behing each fallen soldier, is a grief stricken family, whose lives will never be the same. If there's really anything to learn from the article, it's that our veterans deserve more thanks than we are giving them, I know we have monuments, centers and even national holidays, but for the price of freedom, I'd say we can do better.