Sunday, January 2, 2011

GOP agenda: Major impact may be on 2012 election

This article was about how the Republicans plan on making some very large changes in our government, assuming that they hold majority/have the power in 2012. Among those changes would be to repeal Obama's health care plan, cut spending, and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. The article also says how the Republicans plan on winning people over and how they plan on getting things done.
If you would like to read more, here is the link:

All I have to say is wow. Do they really think they can solve it all? What kind of bologna is this? I really don't like the idea of a complete overhaul, do you? What if you just happen to be one of millions of Americans that aren't happy with the turnout? What then? Do you just sit on your hands and do nothing? What CAN you do? See, if there's a complete overhaul, by any party, the crap's gonna hit the fan, big time. At least Obama has compromised on the Bush tax cuts, and is trying to compromise even more, trying to give each party a little of what they want. Doesn't that seem like a good idea? If we were smart, we would elect the same number of representatives of each party from each state, maintaining the balance, besides the president of course. It seems to me that both parties are just trying to one up the other party, and aren't really focusing on what really matters, the people. The Republicans plan on changing this and this and this and this, and all of things have been set in place by a Democrat, or opposing party. How about we first take a look at what we CAN change and NEED to change versus what we WANT to change and what we HOPE to change? Because for our country, our time is now, not two years from now.

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