Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lebron can save his image with hoops, not ads.

The article I read was about Lebron James and it dealt with some of his "off-court drama," his attitude and his ads. The author writes that over the weekend, Lebron told Cleveland fans to "get over" his departure from the Cavaliers, and to forgive both sides, even though the fans appear to be trying. Apparantly a morning radio show called in a witch doctor to get rid of any lingering "Ledemons," even shops have stopped carrying Lebron merchandaise. Despite what seems to be a loss for Lebron in advertising, he has a new 90-second commercial, where he plays several different characters, because Nike wants to celebrate Lebron's courage to forge his own journey, even though others may have disagreed. In one of the final statements made, the author says " I, personally, want you to play basketball, LeBron. Because you’re incredible at it, accumulating stats and records faster than Lindsay Lohan collects court appearances. You should let your game speak for you, not a team of Portland’s finest copywriters."
Here is the link if you would like to read more:  http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/39855948/ns/sports-nba/

After reading this article, I was reminded of how easy it is for us to get wrapped up in the media, rather than what really matters. I find the Lebron situation to be a very very mild temper tantrum, because it seems like he doesn't give in and expects us, as the "media" or "public," to bend to his will, just like a five year old who wants that toy in the store, or in this case, the basketball player who wants the bigger check or more attention. LeChoke, LeDive, or LeQuit, as people have started calling him, has acted as if he doesn't owe anyone any explanations or apologies. Can someone explain to me what we are paying our professional athletes for? Is it so they play well? Is it so they can draw attention and generate revenue? What is it? Because it's happening more and more often, for example; Brett Favre and his recent scandal, I don't even have to explain what it is because it's all over the news! Look, I understand a quick, sincere or entertaining commercial saying "come to the game" or something like "support the home team" but it seems as if anything else is just distracting. I may be wrong, but it seems like professional sports are just a breeding ground for controversy and scandal, and I think you need to ask yourself, is that really what sports are about?

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