Tuesday, November 2, 2010

SF supervisors pass 'Happy Meal' regulations

The article I read dealt with San Fransisco and how it is trying curb childhood obesity by attempting to enact a law that forces McDonald's to either stop selling their Happy Meals with toys or make the meals more nutritious. The McDonald's corporation argued back saying that jobs may be lost, along with revenue if the law is passed.
If you would like to read more, here is the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39975952/ns/business-consumer_news/

Personally, I think that the law would be a fantastic change, even though McDonald's may take a hit. I think that it might be a good thing for McDonald's to take a hit, and maybe it will bring them back to Earth or make them realize that the people of America don't want to be fat, and they don't want to eat a lot of food that will make them fat, sure we still want to eat lots of food but if seems as if people are starting to lean towards salads and other healthier items, which is fantastic, I think. The part of this article that hits a little closer to home with me, is that San Fransisco wants to stop childhood obesity, and I find that to be more than excellent, finally there's a city that will not only talk about helping our youth, but will take action, and take on major corporations because they care. Along with attempting to help the youth, I think San Fran is sort of shouting out to our country and saying hey, we need to change, and it has to happen soon, and it can't work if it's just you or me, but it'll work if it's everyone. I say yes, take the toys out of the Happy Meal, I say yes, make the meals nutritious, because nutrition is the "in thing" and people will continue buying your product because it's healthy and that's what they want, fast food is like gas, people will always buy it, and it makes us "go" but it has to continue to change in quality if it is to sell efficiently.

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