Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Haiti urges 1 million to flee camps ahead of Tomas

This article deals with Haiti, and the tropical storm, Tomas, that is expected to hit it. In Haiti, nearly 1 million people have been advised to leave due to the fact that there just aren't enough supplies to keep these people safe, especially because there are large amounts of earthquake survivors living under tarps and in tents because they have nowhere to go. On top of the storm, a recent outbreak of cholera that has killed 330 people and hospitalized 4,700. The article also states that there have been other countries that have had millions and millions of dollars in damages, and the same is likely to happen to Haiti.
If you would like to read more from this article, here is the link:

I feel absolutely terrible for the people in Haiti, whether it be a native or a volunteer. I don't know what they did to deserve an earthquake and a hurricane. It seems hardly even close to being fair that they have been living in nearly complete destruction since January, and are about to get hit again. The construction has barely even started to rebuild places largely in part due to the fact that the U.S. hasn't provided any of the $1.15 billion it promised, which to me is completely wrong for our great nation to withhold money and resources from those who desperately need it. The people of Haiti need our help, are we going to step up to the plate? Or are we going to continue to send our overworked, overtaxed volunteers down to try and fix and nearly hopeless cause because of the limited resources?

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