Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fed takes bold, risky step to bolster economy

The article explains how the Fed is attempting to boost our economy by buying $600 billion worth in government bonds, which will lower interest rates and hopefully convincing people to spend more money. The Fed also hopes that when they start buying the bonds, that it will create more jobs. Many people are concerned that the Fed's actions won't solve our problems but will just temporarily boost our economy, and raise bond prices and lower the bond yields. One of the biggest concerns is that the lower interest rates won't persuade people to buy more and that the Fed will basically waste their money on what would've spent in much more efficient ways.
If you would like to read more from this article, here is the link:

The Fed seems to have a good idea, but I, for one, am not sure how well it will work. What if people ignore the low interest rates, and continue to save? Wouldn't that make the Fed look like fools? In this situation, the risks and possible benefits cancel each other out it seems. Either way, something good is going to happen, or something bad is going to happen, whether we decide to let the people make that decision is what's really holding us back. I say we start putting people in charge of our economy, now matter how dumb that may sound because clearly the people are unhappy with our leaders and want the power. I say we take the gamble, I say we let the people decide, because it's their right and that seems to be what they want.

Haiti urges 1 million to flee camps ahead of Tomas

This article deals with Haiti, and the tropical storm, Tomas, that is expected to hit it. In Haiti, nearly 1 million people have been advised to leave due to the fact that there just aren't enough supplies to keep these people safe, especially because there are large amounts of earthquake survivors living under tarps and in tents because they have nowhere to go. On top of the storm, a recent outbreak of cholera that has killed 330 people and hospitalized 4,700. The article also states that there have been other countries that have had millions and millions of dollars in damages, and the same is likely to happen to Haiti.
If you would like to read more from this article, here is the link:

I feel absolutely terrible for the people in Haiti, whether it be a native or a volunteer. I don't know what they did to deserve an earthquake and a hurricane. It seems hardly even close to being fair that they have been living in nearly complete destruction since January, and are about to get hit again. The construction has barely even started to rebuild places largely in part due to the fact that the U.S. hasn't provided any of the $1.15 billion it promised, which to me is completely wrong for our great nation to withhold money and resources from those who desperately need it. The people of Haiti need our help, are we going to step up to the plate? Or are we going to continue to send our overworked, overtaxed volunteers down to try and fix and nearly hopeless cause because of the limited resources?

Elkhart is No. 1, and now it's in a good way

This article shares that Elkhart, Ind. is finally starting to come back a bit from the recession, when it got hit really hard. The article states that the unemployment rate in September was around 13% which is 3.1% lower than September 2009, but is still higher than the national average of 9%. Compared to the recent 13%, 2009 was horrible when the area had an unemployment rate of about 20.1%. Even though the area is still hurting, many believe that it was the first to go into the recession and it will be the first to get out of the recession.
If you would like to read more from this article, here is the link:

I sincerely hope that people are correct in saying that Elkhart will be the place to lead us out of the recession, because it's about time we start turning things around, and it appears that it's happening little by little. The saying "you need to learn how to walk before you can run," seems to fit nicely in this article because it seems that as a country, in order to pull out of this recession, it's going to be little by little and that's probably the more stable way to approach the situation instead of suddenly spiking up and then having the opportunity to crash and go back to square one. Another thing I like about this article is that it is optimistic, which is crucial to surviving the recession and eventually coming back out of it because if we believe that we aren't going to have a stronger economy then we'll take less risks and save our money which decreases the amount of money in the economy, preventing us from improving. However, if we remain optimistic, then we will go out, spend our money, take those risks and pump money into the economy and stimulate it.

After 'shellacking,' Obama laments disconnect with voters

This article was mainly focused on the complete change in political power in Washington. Now the Republicans have the upper hand and they want to change things because they believe that they know of a better way to run things. As a side story, the article mentions more than once, that Obama has taken the blame for not creating enough jobs, and for failing to deliver the economic security Americans had demanded, among a few other things. President Obama also stated that it is time for everyone in Washington to do a better job, including himself. It appears as if Obama will be dealing with a strong Republican majority in the house, sworn to downsize government, and a diminished Democratic majority in the Senate.
If you would like to read more of this article, here is the link:

First off, I would like to compliment President Obama for standing up and taking the blame for the mistakes he has made. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican or somewhere in between, you have to give credit where credit is due and recognize that admitting you were wrong isn't always easy to do, especially if you are in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Also agree with Obama saying that everyone needs to do a better job in Washington, especially because people are saying that if the two parties can't figure out how to work together or to at least compromise, then our country is going straight into the ground, and I know that nobody wants that, regardless of political party. I think that we should do away with political parties (even though that would be nearly impossible) and focus on individual beliefs and looking at what the people can do when working with others, and not just looking at the party on the ballot or tv commercial. I don't claim to be a genius, or to be right, but it seems like Americans should do the research on candidates, and looking at facts, instead of party.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hotel replaces room keys with mobile phones

This article spoke of how a hotel in Stockholm is going to be using mobile phone controlled locks/check-ins on it's rooms. The company, Assa Abloy AB, stated that the Clarion Hotel, in Stockholm is just a pilot for an expansion to regular household doors. For the next four months, repeat visitors will have a chip installed into their phone that allows them to check-in and get into their room, without having to use the front desk, increasing efficiency.
If you would like to read more from this article, here is the link:

Wow, look at what we can do with technology, isn't it incredible? I remember hearing stories from my parents, who couldn't believe their eyes the first time they saw a color tv, and they aren't very old. Look at how far we've come, and think of what more we can do. We start with a wheel, and now we're opening hotel rooms with our cellphones, what's next? In my opinion, technology is the key to the economy because of how centered we are around it, for example, right now I'm on a computer, with my cell phone next to me, my tv in front of me, my stereo up on a shelf and my iPod in my pocket. That's only five things I have but I use them everyday, just like one uses a car, or heck even lights, if there's anything people need to focus on, it's technology, and ways to improve it.

SF supervisors pass 'Happy Meal' regulations

The article I read dealt with San Fransisco and how it is trying curb childhood obesity by attempting to enact a law that forces McDonald's to either stop selling their Happy Meals with toys or make the meals more nutritious. The McDonald's corporation argued back saying that jobs may be lost, along with revenue if the law is passed.
If you would like to read more, here is the link:

Personally, I think that the law would be a fantastic change, even though McDonald's may take a hit. I think that it might be a good thing for McDonald's to take a hit, and maybe it will bring them back to Earth or make them realize that the people of America don't want to be fat, and they don't want to eat a lot of food that will make them fat, sure we still want to eat lots of food but if seems as if people are starting to lean towards salads and other healthier items, which is fantastic, I think. The part of this article that hits a little closer to home with me, is that San Fransisco wants to stop childhood obesity, and I find that to be more than excellent, finally there's a city that will not only talk about helping our youth, but will take action, and take on major corporations because they care. Along with attempting to help the youth, I think San Fran is sort of shouting out to our country and saying hey, we need to change, and it has to happen soon, and it can't work if it's just you or me, but it'll work if it's everyone. I say yes, take the toys out of the Happy Meal, I say yes, make the meals nutritious, because nutrition is the "in thing" and people will continue buying your product because it's healthy and that's what they want, fast food is like gas, people will always buy it, and it makes us "go" but it has to continue to change in quality if it is to sell efficiently.